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Angulated abutment
€83.00Angled titanium abutment + screw compatible with NobelActive®* & NobelReplace®* CC
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Angulated abutment
€52.20 -40% €87.00Angled titanium abutment + screw compatible with Replace®*
Castable multi unit abutment
€38.00Castable multi unit abutement NP/RP compatible with Branemark System®*
Castable multi unit abutement NP/RP/WP compatible with NobelActive™*
& NobelReplace® CC* , Replace®*, Inkone®* -
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Closed Tray Impression Coping
€27.50Closed tray impression coping + screw compatible with Branemark System®*
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Closed tray impression coping
€29.00Closed tray impression coping + screw compatible with Inkone®*
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Closed Tray Impression Coping
€37.00Closed tray impression coping + screw compatible with NobelActive™* & NobelReplace® CC*
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Conical castable abutment 3.4
€23.003.4 conical castable abutment + screw compatible with Inkone®*