LIKE BS compatible Branemark System®

Implants and prosthetic parts from our LIKE BS range have Branemark System® compatible connectors. (registered trademark of Nobel Biocare®).

  • Like BS

    DLC screw


    DLC screw compatible with Branemark System®*

  • Multi-marques

    Multi-unit abutment healing cap


    Multi-unit abutment healing cap NP/RP compatible with Branemark System®*
    Multi-unit abutment healing cap NP/RP/WP compatible with NobelActive™* &
    NobelReplace® CC*, Replace®*, Inkone®*

  • Like BS

    Multi-unit abutment healing cap


    Multi-unit abutment healing cap WP compatible with Branemark System®*

  • Multi-marques

    Multi analog


    Multi-unit analog NP/RP compatible with Branemark System®*
    Multi-unit analog NP/RP/WP compatible with NobelActive™* & NobelReplace®* CC, Replace®* & Inkone®*

  • Like BS

    Multi analog WP


    Multi-unit analog WP compatible with Branemark System®*

  • Multi-marques

    Temporary multi-unit abutment


    Temporary titanium multi-unit abutment NP/RP compatible with Branemark System®*
    Temporary titanium multi-unit abutment NP/RP/WP compatible with & NobelActive™* & NobelReplace® CC*, Replace®*, Inkone®*

  • Like BS

    Temporary titanium multi abutment WP


    Temporary titanium multi-abutment WP compatible with Branemark System®*

  • Like BS

    Multi unit abutment


    Multi-unit abutment + screw compatible with Branemark System®*

  • Like BS

    Multi-unit angled abutment


    Multi-unit angled abutment + screw compatible with Branemark System®*

  • Like BS

    copy of Multi-unit angled abutment


    Multi-unit angled abutment + screw compatible with Branemark System®*

  • Multi-marques

    Castable multi unit abutment


    Castable multi unit abutement NP/RP compatible with Branemark System®*
    Castable multi unit abutement NP/RP/WP compatible with NobelActive™*
    & NobelReplace® CC* , Replace®*, Inkone®*

  • Like BS

    Multi WP castable sheath


    Castable multi unit abutment + screw compatible with Branemark System®*

  • Multi-marques

    Hybrid multi-unit abutment


    Hybrid multi-unit abutment NP/RP compatible with Branemark System®* ,
    Hybrid multi-unit abutment NP/RP/WP compatible with NobelActive™* & NobelReplace® CC*, Replace®*, Inkone®*

  • Multi-marques

    Multi-unit open tray impression coping


    Multi-unit open tray impression coping NP/RP + screw compatible with Branemark System®*.
    Multi-unit open tray impression coping + screw NP/RP/WP compatible with Replace®*, NobelActive™* & NobelReplace® CC*, Inkone®*.

  • Like BS

    Multi-unit open tray impression coping WP


    Multi-unit open tray impression coping WP + screw compatible with Branemark System®*